Mathematics & Physics Group
Chemistry Group
Pharma Group
Engineering Group
Biology Group
Clinical Group
Medical Group
- SARS-CoV-2 related HIV, HBV, RSV, VZV, Enteric viruses, Influenza, DENV, S. aureus and TB co-infections... -Ammara Azhar
- The Trans-zoonotic Virome interface: Measures to balance, control and treat epidemics -Vinod Nikhra
- Clinical characteristics, management, maternal and neonatal outcome among seven severe and critically ill pregnant women with COVID-19 pneumonia... -Komal Sundeep Hazari
- Laparoscopic anterior transgastric cystogastrostomy for the treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts -Fahri Yetisir
- Comorbidities, infections and mortalities of COVID-19 in Bangladesh in the course of January-May 2022... -Anayat Ullah Khan